The ultimate gesture of love- the gift of a kiss. We kiss for love, for luck, to say hello and goodbye. Your lips have more nerve endings than any other part of your body. Kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. Bottom line- kissing feels great and is good for the body.
The Kiss Kiss collection is a reminder to see love everywhere and in everyone. A reminder to kiss your children at night, your partner before leaving for the day, and lastly, do not forget to blow those kisses ladies!
These jewels will keep you present in these intimate moments and subconsciously open to feel the love around you, which is always there if you keep your heart open, (and those chakras) ;)
Each stone was chosen with love in mind
Rubies deep red color has ties to love, passion, and raw emotion. The ruby has long been representative of romantic love. It is said to inspire devotion and faithfulness within a romantic relationship. Rubies are gifts for milestone anniversaries, ( Husbands, keep this in mind if you have a big anniversary coming up with your wife!).
Pink Sapphire helps strengthen and balance the heart. They symbolize trust, loyalty and sincerity. They’re also believed to carry good fortune and intense love. Most importantly, the pink sapphire stimulates the Heart Chakra
Red Tourmaline, is a stone of the perfected heart – one that is strong, vital, and full of passion for love and life. Rubellite stimulates not only the Heart Chakra, but the Root Chakra as well. It links not only to the heart of the Earth, but opens to love that goes beyond human relationships and reaches out to the Universe. One of Tourmaline’s most distinguishing properties is its ability to become electrically charged simply by heating or rubbing it.
14K YG Morganite Kiss Ring
Pink Morganite's meaning is heart healing and manifestation. It only grows in small quantities and in the presence of other minerals which is partly what makes it so precious. As it is also one of the Heart Chakra gemstones, this peachy stone is all about keeping your heart open and energy in flow.

14K YG Tourmaline Necklace
Red Tourmaline, is a stone of the perfected heart – one that is strong, vital, and full of passion for love and life. Rubellite stimulates not only the Heart Chakra, but the Root Chakra as well. It links not only to the heart of the Earth, but opens to love that goes beyond human relationships and reaches out to the Universe. One of Tourmaline’s most distinguishing properties is its ability to become electrically charged simply by heating or rubbing it

14K YG Morganite Necklace
Pink Morganite's meaning is heart healing and manifestation. It only grows in small quantities and in the presence of other minerals which is partly what makes it so precious. As it is also one of the Heart Chakra gemstones, this peachy stone is all about keeping your heart open and energy in flow.
Green Malachite has startling beauty as it represents sensuality and beauty. Malachite is known for being the stone of transformation, a stone of support, and is spiritually inviting. When it comes to love and relationships, malachite acts as a protection stone that absorbs negative energies and pollutants around you. The green energy that it gives will help you regain the balance of your heart chakra.